Morsink Manual Egg Lifters

mvseries geknipt Manual Egg Lifters

Morsink Manual Egg Lifters are developed for ease of use to move eggs from one tray to another and for handling and moving eggs on different type of trays.

These are specially developed to move eggs from 'Jamesway' onto 'Standard' trays. (Maybe in combination with the MV-10 or the MV-10 alone. 1 row of 6 cups.)


The MV-6 and MV-10 are also useful to safely place eggs in boiling water. (This is useful for the hotel and catering industry.)

M333706 Manual Egg Lifters


mv10 Manual Egg Lifters


M333712 Manual Egg Lifters


MV12 In Action

Enquire About Our Manual Egg Lifters

To get your hands on your own egg lifter from Reids Equipment, contact us today to enquire about your interest.

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